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Crime+Terror Survival

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CTS Close Quarters Defensive Shooting

"Only reality counts"

Our chief instructor Marco G has developed and established the Crime+Terror Survival (CTS) Close Quarters Defense Shooting system together with the CTS Krav Maga System from the nineties and has used, tested and further developed it in his long security and self-defense training practice to this day. It is an Extreme Close Quarters Defense (CQD) system based on his experiences and those of a number of other professionals, instructors and collegues, who have influenced and accompanied him in his long career in security operations and as an instructor.

A gun owner who wants to do something for his/her private security should receive training in CTS Shooting. Furthermore all self-defense practitioners who trains the disarming of an attacker, should also be trained on the seized weapon - including the firearm. Therefore, in addition to our CTS Krav Maga (hebrew: contact combat), a complete Crime+Terror Survival training demands training in shooting as well,  especially with pistols and revolvers, but also with rifles and shotguns, in order to offer a complete range of techniques and tactics covering the most common and realistic threat scenarios.



CTS Close Quarters Defensive Shooting is strictly based on reality or operational practice and covers all possible scenarios that civilians or security forces can face in close quarter scenarios.

Our training focus is on the most dangerous scenarios, where there is a real danger for life and health - be it in self-defense or third party protection.

The CTS Close Quarters Defensive Shooting System consistently strives to achieve the highest level of defense and combat effectiveness so that students can respond to all possible threat scenarios correctly and reliably under all circumstances. 

All actions must strictly adhere to the law and legal requirements.

The system is based on statistical sources and personal experiences about the techniques and tactics used, but especially the distance of the attack, whether with a firearm or impact (blunt/edged) weapon. That said, if we look at numerous stats and case histories we do have, civilian and law enforcement, the range of attack with firearms is in the vast majority of cases somewhere between 2,5 Meter and 5 meter, many even less than that. Attacks with impact (blunt/edged) weapons are in the vast majority even closer between 1 to 3 meter.


The fact that most common weapon attacks outside of a battlefield are not with firearms but with impact weapons, especially edged weapons such as knives, prompted us to pay special attention to defending against such weapons with a firearm.


These close distances require special shooting techniques, both with handguns and long guns, which make up the CTS Close Quarters Defensive Shooting system. Additionally, for effective self-defense against armed attacks, the combination of unarmed contact combat (hebrew: Krav Maga) techniques and extreme close quarters shooting techniques is obvious to anyone engaged in realistic self-defense and is well known in professional circles. Therefore,  CTS Combined Close Quarters Defense is an essential part of our CCTS Close Quarters Defensive Shooting training.

CTS Combined Close Quarters Defense system also focuses on self defense against disarmament attempts. This is also based on our own experiences and US crime statistics. Year after year, nearly one in five US police officers killed as part of a crime get shot with their own (or a partner’s) weapon.

Given the very close ranges at which attack and defense take place, even when carrying a firearm, it is obvious that defense against disarming and firearm retention, both handgun and long guns,  must be an important part of training. Therefore,  good skills in CTS Krav Maga are needed in order to be able to protect the firearm from attempted disarming.

Most attacks are unarmed and it is of great importance for a shooter to be prepared for boxing, kicking and grappling attacks while carrying a firearm - which could lead to "a fight for the weapon".



Bring "the bad guy" into custody. - Whenever possible, or if shooting is legally questionable, the shooter should be able to use his weapon to arrest the attacker. Thats especially important for those (professional security operators) who have the additional goal of bringing the offender to justice.



In addition to self-defense, the protection of innocent people who are the victims of a criminal attack is another important topic of CTS Close Quarters Defensive Shooting, whether in the bodyguard profession or in private life. Also here, most of such incidents happen at close range.


Our CTS Close Quarters Defensive Shooting training provides systematic, instinctive motion patterns across a range of stress-inducing scenarios and allows the student to be more effective under the stress of confrontation and to better control the negative effects of the "adrenaline shock".

The practical training mostly consist of dry practise with the unloaded firearm in simulated attacker-defender (partner) exercises. It must be emphasized that especially CTS Combined Close Quarters Defense (CCQD) places demands on physical ability and coordination.

The training differs significantly from the otherwise known shooting training with live-fire shooting at the range. Because of the complex, physically demanding movements and techniques, training time for live fire shooting has to be reduced. Advantage: The training is much more cost-effective and cheaper than "normal" shooting training. Live fire training on the shooting range only takes place when the techniques are really ingrained and mastered.


"Apart from military battlefields, defensive shooting takes place at very close range and under extreme time pressure! - The common way of shooting is by far not enough to cope with such scenarios !"


CTS Close Quarters Defensive Shooting was developed by our chief instructor Marco G based on his experiences and those of a number of his trainers and colleagues who have influenced and inspired him in his long career in security operations.


"CTS Close Quarters Defensive Shooting is especially designed for extreme close quarter defense, in which special shooting techniques must sometimes be harmoniously combined with CTS Krav Maga techniques."

© 2019 by Terra Africana Enterprises


In Africa - in Namibia - for the world

For more detailed information and quotes:

Please do not hesitate to contact me for a personal consultation.

For group bookings we offer group discounts and tailor-made programs.

Kind regards

Marko G

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