
Welcome at
Security Experts cc
The Crime+Terror Survival
Self-Defense Academy

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For more than 25 years, the professional security training division of Security Experts cc is the leading training institutions in Namibia.
It is the perfect complement to our Crime+Terror Survival Self-Defense Academy for private self-defense training.
Beside training services, our security services department offers elite Armed Emergency Response, Personal Protection and Anti-Poaching services that meet the highest standards.
The focus are courses for active or future security professionals and all, who are interested in professional training.
Courses are open for both national and international participants.
We offer tailor-made and in-depth training courses to build up the skills of real security professionals and to develop them into a:
1. Armed Emergency Response/Intervention Operator
2. Close Protection Operator
3. Anti Poaching Ranger4. Long Range Protective Marksman
The courses will develop or drastically raise the standards of operators and officers and qualify them for special and elite security services.
Krav Maga / Contact Combat Training Divison
Beside training professional security personnel, police and military, we are since 2004 also serving the public and the needs of our private clients for the most effcient and realistic Self-Defense training on the background of the raising crime rates.
Since many years we are the leading and only authentic and real Krav Maga training institution in Namibia based on decades of experience in Krav maga. Regular, continous classes take place at our Windhoek Urban Training Center. Furthermore, at our Ondjou Field Training Center we offer the unique opportunity, to participate in Krav Maga training courses at our beautiful The Rangers Lodge and in wild nature in form of highly adventurous and intense training camps.
Close Quarters Shooting Training Division
Beside training professional security personnel, police and military, we are also serving the public and the needs of our private clients for uncompromisingly realistic Crime+Terror Survival/Self-Defense on the background of the raising crime rates.
We are the leading defensive shooting training institution in Namibia. Regular, continous classes take place at our Windhoek Urban Training Center. Furthermore, at our Ondjou Field Training Center we offer our the unique opportunity, to participate in intensive Close Quarters Shooting training camps at our beautiful The Rangers Lodge and in wild nature.
Our Chief Instructor Marko G has more than 25 years of experience of operating and instructing in Armed Emergency Response/Intervention, CIT, Personal Protection and Anti-poaching. - No other provider in Namibia can prove such experience and expertise in these fields of the security business.
He is supported by assistant instructors he himself recruited and trained to meet the highest expectations.
Security Experts cc offer unrivaled, elite services in armed emergency response, personal protection and anti-poaching. The quality of our security services is unmatched in Namibia and offers the customer the highest standard of security.
Our armed response, close protection and anti poaching officers are proven to be the best selected and trained specialists in all of Namibia.
Enjoy the further study of the website to learn more about our courses and services.
The Director - Marko G